For the last few weeks, my house has looked like the a scene from Pearl Harbour, due to our sitting room, kitchen and dining room being entirely reconstructed.
On multiple mornings I have been woken up by deafeningly loud drilling, or walls being knocked down instead of the soothing sounds of my iPod. Trading waking up soothed and well-rested, for blistering headaches at times that feel like the middle of the night, has not been my idea of a good time.
The image of burly builders, sooty electricians and plumbers with pencils behind their ears, eating tiny sparkly cakes has started to become a regular source of amusement for me and I thought it would share it with you all.
I am consequently now on a one woman mission to make the construction trade swap burgers and coke for pretty cupcakes and civilised cups of tea! So far it appears to be a great success - what an adaptable bunch!
Enjoy, K x
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