With each cup of fabulous tea, anything from Raspberry Zinger to a way-above-standard cup of Earl Grey, there is also a quote which will either make you smile, make you think or make you cry a bit. It offers the thinking woman's cuppa.
It was my darling Grandma who first bought me this adorable set which also came with a cute little linen bag with "Kettle On, Feet Up" brandished across it (my sort of instruction) and a coaster filled with spices, which exudes a fabulous smell when warmed up and various teabag flavours which I have been slowly picking my way through over the last few days.
She bought it from the American History Museum in Bath, one of my favourite spots on the planet, hence it being an import but I have already found these being sold on ebay at a reasonable price, which has consequently meant I have spent a little more than was initially intended on fruit tea, but it's all worth it if I get inspired from a mug of hot loveliness each day.
I raise my mug in your general direction and say, "Cheers!"
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